Thursday, September 6, 2012

Daring Myself

With the overwhelming amount of blogs there are already are it is quite intimidating to start something new and to think that what I say will matter to anybody else, so I have been avoiding starting this new endeavor just to avoid the disappointment if it doesn't do well. Although, I really sat down and thought about it and it is a brand new phenomena to have the ability to reach millions of people so easily, and I do believe that I have interesting and important things to say, and its okay if only a few people read my thoughts because I truly think it will hopefully change those few people.

At first I wanted my blog to focus on implementing the advice of older more experienced women given to me in order to live my life better and to my full capacity, and I would like to do that still. I think it is a shame that we as women do not invoke the power of wisdom from our elders more often, there is so much that we can learn and gain from someone who has been through it all already. if for nothing more then a little peace of mind that what we are feeling or going through is normal. I am hoping to instill that same calm that one feels after spilling a secret to a girlfriend only to hear that her friend has been through the same thing or that they feel that same way. I am shocked to hear from my own mom, or other women whom I speak to that they have yet to find a group of women whom they can confide in and therefore they often feel alone or confused or just simply have a lot of pent up emotions they need to vent about. My blog will be the answer to this problem so many women it will hopefully serve as a circle of friends that they can count on all the time. After all isn't that the beauty of social media, the fact that so many amazing women have taken the time to sit down at a computer and share their lives and the life of their families with each other? 

I am also extremely interested the human psyche and hope to one day do my part in helping others understand themselves in order to be happier more well adjusted human beings. But until I am at a place in my life to go back to school and really take the plunge I would love to learn about women and their psyche from this perspective. I want to implore any woman who has an experience, an opinion or even just a thought to share it with me and in turn will be shared with anyone else who comes along my blog.

The blog world is not complete unfamiliar territory to me, I like most working women my age spend a good amount of my life in front of a computer (ahem, like now) and I am so inspired by the accomplishments, the beauty, the style and the joy that so many women have in their lives. And I love love love that there are no rules in blogging, you can be funny, serious, just take pictures, just write, anything you want! It is such an awesome opportunity for someone like me with so many dreams that I am dying to explore. The fact that I am able to simply start writing without anyone's permission or guidelines is pretty incredible, it hasn't always been that women (or anyone for that matter) were able to have that ability. I am absolutely going to take advantage of this incredible time that we are living in. 




  1. !!!!!!!!!! welcome to blogging world! excited for this and to learn lots from you and other women! maybe there can be a section on how to make good friends in foreign countries ;)

  2. found you via nicole! so excited to follow your blog and see what you write. i love what you have so far, because it is so similar to my life. i feel like my future is so unknown and it kind of freaks me out a little. :( i wonder what will happen for the both of us!
