Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Summer Vaca

I just got back to SF from sunny (and really really hot) OC where my wolfies (my endearing name for my bestfriends) and I attended Doheny Days. It was amazing!! If you are into music festivals I would try this one out, the venue is on the beach it is beautiful and they seem to always have great bands.

Just a a little advice to throw in:I find it so important to make it a point to take time out for your friends and family and take a Vacation! I cant tell you how many friends I have that have years and years of vacation days that they have yet to use. take advantage people! If you are able to why in the world would you not? Not to mention it is proven that vacationing makes for better work the rest of the year!

I would love to hear some amazing vacations that you have taken over the years......I am always looking for new ideas!!

Thanks Cheeks!


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