Friday, September 14, 2012

Just bee yourself

a couple of my wolfies and i "beeing" ourselves
This is the advice the the Genie gave Aladdin in my favorite Disney movie and I personally have always tried to follow it.

In all seriousness in concerns me the amount of "fake" that women put out there, not only to met but also to other women. This facade of perfection is not doing anyone any good, it not only make other women perceive you as something that you aren't and therefore not relate-able but it also puts an insane amount of pressure on yourself to be perfect. And Ladies I guarantee you that men are more insecure then you (for the most part) and if they think you are "perfect" they will run away. fast. Why would you want to be with someone who doesn't even know the real you? I personally want nothing to do with someone who doesn't appreciate me for our of quirks and imperfections, i for one think they are incredibly charming :)

A great thing to do is write down 10 quirks about yourself

quirk is defined as;a peculiar trait

now read those 10 things and vow to not hide any one of them from the next person that you date, and i promise you that you will feel better and more like yourself. and if it doesn't work out it wasn't the person for you. 

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